Doha: Weather inshore until 6pm on Tuesday will be partly “cloudy to cloudy with a chance of rain, maybe thundery at places” the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report.
Thundery rain likely to be associated with strong wind.
Offshore, it will be partly cloudy with chances of scattered rain, maybe thundery at times, the report added, warning thundery rain can be associated with strong wind and high sea.
Wind inshore will be northeasterly at a speed of 05 knot to 15 knot reaching 25 knot with thundery rain.
Offshore, it will be northeasterly to northwesterly at a speed of 08 to 18 knot gusting 22 knot with thundery rain.
Visibility will be 4 to 8 kilometer or 3 kilometer at places.
Sea state inshore will be 1 to 3 feet rises to 4 feet with thundery rain. Offshore, it will be 2 to 5 feet, rises to 7 feet with thundery rain.
توزيع السحب حالياً على البلاد حيث الأجواء غائمة جزئياً و الفرصة مهيأة لهطول أمطار متفرقة قد تكون رعدية أحياناً ، ونذكر بضرورة تجنب الأنشطة البحرية.
— أرصاد قطر (@Qatar_Weather) December 9, 2019
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