Doha: Unsettled weather with chance of thunderstorms expected to continue until Sunday, Qatar Meteorology Department (QMD) said in a weather report.
“Thunderstorms continue concentrating currently in southeastern areas accompanied with strong wind and hail at times. Kindly take extra care and avoid going to sea’” QMD tweeted.
A state of atmospheric instability resulting from extension of a low pressure system over the region continues affecting the country as some areas witnessed thunderstorms today in the afternoon accompanied with strong downdraft wind reaching 39 kt in AI Wakra, which recorded also the highest rainfall amount of 9.1 mm, the report added.
Chance of scattered thunderstorms expected to continue in intermittent periods until coming Sunday becoming thundery accompanied with strong wind causing rising dust and poor visibility in some areas and hail at times.
Qatar Meteorology Department urged all to take extra care, avoid going to sea as well as to follow latest updates through it's official accounts as this period is known for fast weather fluctuations.