The lies and rumours spread by the siege countries have been exposed by the firm and ethical stance of Qatar over the past two months. Stressing that the circulation of fake and misleading reports has become a "vicious circle" for the blockading nations as they try to conceal their failed efforts with further falsehoods, local Arabic daily 'Arrayah' has listed some of these lies and countered them with the truth and facts.
These lies are aimed at tarnishing the reputation of Qatar and are also a clear attempt to adversely affect the national economy. These falsehoods include a sharp fall in the value of the Qatari riyal, a severe shortage of foodstuff, Qatar resorting to witchcraft to assist it in its dispute with the neighbouring Gulf countries, and cows in Qatar being infected with a strange disease, among several others, the daily points out.
Now, two months since the blockade began, it is evident that the efforts of the siege countries have gone against them and made them the subject of much ridicule globally.
Here are some of the major lies and truths highlighted by the daily:
* Lie: The cows imported by Qatar suffered high temperature immediately after arriving in Qatar.
* Truth: The cows are well and thriving, and 20 batches of them are arriving in Qatar to secure the local production of milk.
* Lie: Qatar uses genies and demons to beat the blockade.
* Truth: A ridiculous claim that exposes the falsehood spread by the siege nations and their failure to maintain a strong stance.
* Lie: Qatar is trying to internationalise the issue of Haj; a 'declaration of war', as described by Saudi Arabia.
* Truth: No such step has been taken by Qatar and there is no statement by any official on the internationalisation of the issue. The reality is that the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) filed a complaint with the United Nations highlighting the harassment of Qatari pilgrims and the demand that Saudi Arabia guarantees the safety of such pilgrims.
* Lie: Qatar is accused of financing terrorism and should be dealt with as a rogue country.
* Truth: Two months have passed and the blockading countries are still unable to convince the international community that these claims have any merit. Qatar, on the other hand, has won international acclaim for its efforts to fight terrorism. Besides, there is not a single Qatari accused of terrorism or detained over such charges in any country around the world.
* Lie: Japan and the US are the main candidates for the 2022 FIFA World Cup instead of Qatar.
* Truth: FIFA has affirmed in clear terms that Qatar has won the right to hold the World Cup.
* Lie: Qatar is on its way to becoming internationally isolated.
* Truth: Qatar has managed to successfully overcome the challenges put forth by the blockade at different levels, including political and economic, in addition to winning the support of a number of international friends.
* Lie: The economic collapse of Qatar is posing a threat to the World Cup projects and the companies undertaking such projects are preparing to leave.
* Truth: The projects are well under way and on schedule.
* Lie: The Turkish military base in Qatar is a declaration of war on Arabs.
* Truth: The base is part of a bilateral defence treaty signed sometime ago and targets nobody.
Overall, Qatar is flourishing and various economic and diplomatic measures have helped overcome the initial shock of the blockade. Its people, both Qataris and expatriates, have stood firmly behind the government and expressed their love and support for His Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. This solidarity has been witnessed not only within Qatar but also in countries around the world.
Business continues as usual with a number of new direct trade routes being launched to various destinations. Hypermarkets and other retail outlets are filled with products from around the world, and the country's inhabitants are leading normal lives.
Further, the Qatar-based charities, falsely accused of financing terrorism, continue to provide aid around the world and offer help to the helpless -- thus winning global praise in this area.
At the same time, the siege countries have failed to produce any evidence to support their claims.