This came in a statement delivered by HE the Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN Ambassador Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif al-Thani to the UN Security Council, which held an official meeting chaired by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is the Security Council President for October to discuss 'Diversity, State-building and the search for Peace', under the 'Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace' agenda item.
The statement said that spreading peace and tolerance among members of societies, and promoting quality education for all can only be achieved by educating girls, stressing that supporting the right to education is of greater importance in situations of conflict and emergency.
In this context, the statement pointed out that Qatar has played a prominent role in promoting and protecting the right to education, especially in emergency situations at the international level, and making fruitful efforts to provide education opportunities for girls.
The statement added that Qatar is aware of the importance of promoting factors conducive to stability and those discouraging the emergence and exacerbation of conflict, such as totalitarianism in society, politics and the economy, and building effective state institutions based on the rule of law and wise governance.
The statement said that Qatar has emphasised these factors in its foreign policy, in word and deed, and has devoted a large part of its humanitarian and development efforts to projects that contribute to strengthening the building of state institutions, especially in countries emerging from conflicts, and providing vocational training opportunities, job opportunities, sports and other fields which directs the energies of young people towards positive production and building their countries and societies instead of being affected by the conflicts of extremism and fragmentation.
The statement underlined Qatar's support for the United Nations programmes and activities aimed at achieving sustainable development such as contributing to the Accelerator Lab Network to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The statement pointed out that Qatar attaches great importance to supporting international efforts aimed at reducing the impact of climate change and other factors that exacerbate the fragility of societies and contribute to undermining stability.
The statement shed light on the Coronavirus pandemic which has opened the way for more factors undermining economic and social stability in various parts of the world, pointing out that Qatar has sought since the beginning of the spread of the pandemic to co-operate with its international partners towards mitigating the impact of the global pandemic.
The statement went on to say that States and societies enjoy flexibility in the face of challenges that undermine their stability, which requires opening the way for the political, social and economic participation of all societal spectrums and not marginalising any of them. From this point of view, the statement added that the efforts of Qatar in settling disputes through mediation, which are well-known efforts in many cases, always take into account that the solutions sought should be inclusive of all spectrums and societal, racial, ethnic, religious and political components.
The statement pointed out that Qatar is working to involve women in peace talks in the context of its support for the agenda of women, peace and security and its belief in the need to involve women in peacemaking and peacebuilding, stressing the support of Qatar in involving youth and referring to the high-level Global Conference on Youth Inclusive Peace Processes in Doha in 2022.
In conclusion, the statement expressed Qatar's welcome to the greater attention the Security Council and the United Nations in general have paid to strengthen the foundations of sustainable peace, through the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and peace operations, stressing that this trend will have a positive impact on achieving sustainable peace. (QNA)