Qatar renews support for Sudan's stability and sovereignty


Qatar has affirmed its unwavering support for the unity, stability and sovereignty of Sudan and the right of the Sudanese people to realise their just aspirations and demands for freedom, peace and justice.



HE Sheikh Jassim bin Abdulaziz al-Thani, from the International Organisations Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said Qatar's policy and efforts have always focused on supporting Sudan in achieving peace and stability.



These efforts have resulted in the signing of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur, and this has entailed the implementation of community and development programmes to consolidate the peace process, Sheikh Jassim bin Abdulaziz said during an interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on Sudan in Geneva.



He said Qatar also welcomed the interactive dialogue and the recent developments in Sudan with the signing of the constitutional document that led to the formation of the sovereign council and the establishment of a civilian government, and hoped this would contribute to meeting the aspirations of the Sudanese people for security, prosperity and stability.



Qatar attaches special importance to the promotion and protection of human rights in Sudan, and the need for the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner to play an important role by providing the necessary technical assistance and building the capacity of Sudanese governmental and non-governmental institutions, he said.



In view of the challenges facing Sudan at this delicate stage of its history, Qatar renews its keenness on the promotion and protection of human rights out of its firm conviction that the Sudanese people deserve to achieve their aspirations for stability, development and decent living, HE Sheikh Jassim said.



"We affirm that the State of Qatar will spare no effort in continuing to play its positive role in helping our brothers in Sudan to achieve this legitimate goal."



On Somalia, Qatar urged all sides in the country to renounce their differences and work together to move forward in the political process, strengthen efforts to consolidate national reconciliation, fight corruption and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.



Dr Turki al-Mahmoud, consultant at the Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also urged the international community and all partners to co-ordinate efforts to provide technical assistance and capacity building, as well as financial support for the development of Somali institutions, especially those concerned with human rights, in addition to continuing to provide relief assistance and funding humanitarian response plans.



He said Qatar appreciated the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of Independent Expert Bahame Tom Nyanduga on the situation of human rights in Somalia and thanked him for his report.



Al-Mahmoud, who was also speaking in Geneva, said despite the many challenges facing Somalia, including terrorism targeting its government, its people and its future, as well as the difficult economic and humanitarian conditions, the Somali government has managed to attain many important achievements and gains on the security, political, humanitarian and human rights levels.



He called for the need to preserve these achievements and work to complete them in the next stage, pointing out that the election of Somalia to the Human Rights Council could be considered an opportunity for the country to contribute and benefit from international efforts to promote and protect human rights.



Al-Mahmoud said Qatar will host the meeting of the contact group of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC) on Somalia at the ministerial level on October 27.









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