Doha: The Ministry of Public Health announced today that it recorded 88 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) and 11 cases of recovery, in addition to recording the second death from the virus in Qatar.
The total number of positive COVID-19 cases recorded in Qatar now stands at 781.
In a statement, the ministry stated that some of the new cases of infection are related to travellers who have returned to Qatar recently and others who have had contact with people who are diagnosed with the virus.
New infected cases have been admitted under complete isolation, where they receive the necessary medical care.
The ministry stated that it had conducted 2,291 tests to detect the coronavirus today and 88 people were confirmed positive among them. The total number of Covid-19 tests done in Qatar now stands at 22,349.
The ministry indicated that the noticeable increase in the number of new cases been discovered is due to the use of new and advanced laboratory techniques to detect the virus, which can conduct testing on a large number of samples per day and contributes to faster detection of infected cases and thus help reduce the spread of the virus.
The increase is also due to the recent increase in the number of Qataris returning from abroad to Qatar.
The Ministry also stated that with the registration of 11 new recoveries, the total number of recovered cases in Qatar reached 62.
The Ministry also announced the death of a 58 years old resident who was suffering from chronic diseases - the second recorded death from coronavirus (COVID-19) in Qatar. The Ministry extended condolences to the family of the deceased.
Ministry pointed out that the deceased had been admitted to intensive care immediately after he was diagnosed with the disease on March 17 and the necessary treatment and medical care was provided to him on entering the hospital.
Ministry called on all members of society to fully cooperate and adhere to all health guidelines and preventive measures in order to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.