Over 60% of traffic violations related to over speeding

Over 60 percent of traffic violations recorded last year are related to over speeding (radar) and the total number of traffic violations recorded in the country in 2018 was more than 1.78 million.

According to the General Directorate of Traffic statistics, the average monthly traffic violation was 148,456. 

The statistics released by the Department showed that the total number of deaths due to traffic accidents was 168 case among them 45 citizens an increase of five citizens when compared to 2017, in which 40 citizens had died in traffic accidents.

The areas which witnessed more traffic deaths include the Industrial Area with 14 deaths, Freej Sudan (13 deaths), Al Obeib (11 deaths), Al Wakra (8 deaths) and Sealine (8 deaths).

As for the causes of traffic accidents in the Sealine Area, the Department said that the reasons include families’ neglect on driving of motorbikes by under-age young children which is a violation of law, and indulgence in reckless drifting without meeting security and safety requirements. Among other reasons is also the absence of sign boards to guide motorcyclists.

Despite all challenges including running traffic awareness campaigns in different languages for expatriates of different nationalities, high number of new vehicles and the increase in the number of drivers and population as a result of comprehensive renaissance projects, the Department plans this year to reduce traffic accidents more compared to 2018.

The General Directorate of Traffic will double its efforts to decrease run-over accidents and pedestrians accidents. Among the Department’s initiatives to decrease pedestrian accident deaths include installing lights in dark places, constructing speed humps and distributing reflective bracelets to pedestrians especially in the Industrial Area.

To reduce pedestrians run-over accidents, the Ministry of Interior recently has started recording violations of traffic rules by pedestrians from August 1 this year and announced imposing a fine of up to QR500 depending on the type of offence for pedestrians violations of crossing roads from non-designated places.

As seen on Peninsula Qatar  Image Credits Peninsula Qatar