The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), in collaboration with partners, hosted an event to raise awareness about mental health and well-being.
The event was part of a series of national activities to raise awareness and to change the negative perception and the social stigma associated with mental disorders in the society. ‘Mental Health and Well-being’ is one of the seven priorities outlined in the National Health Strategy (NHS) 2018-2022 and therefore raising awareness is an important factor in reducing stigma.
Susan Clelland, acting director of the National Mental Health Office at MoPH, opened the event by welcoming attendees and outlined the importance of increasing awareness about mental health. A series of short presentations were given by partners highlighting the mental health services provided.
Dr Samya Ahmad al-Abdulla, deputy national lead for Mental Health and Well-being and executive director of operations at Primary Health Care Corporation, discussed the first line screening that is being done.
She also informed participants of the mental health services available in PHCC highlighting the availability of psychological therapies within their support clinics.
“Our regional psychology support clinics deliver care closer to the community, playing a lead role in enhancing mental healthcare services, improving access, quality, and outcomes. Integrating the mental health services not only improves access but aims to reduce stigma, which allows our frontline staff to deliver prevention and early detection of mental disorders,” Dr Samya stated.
Iain Tully, national lead for Mental Health and Well-being and HMC chief executive officer of Mental Health Services conducted an interactive exercise with the audience which highlighted the need for mental health awareness and removing the stigma in seeking help.
Following the exercise, Prof Muhamed Waqar Azeem, chair of psychiatry at Sidra Medicine, provided an overview of the mental services provided by Sidra Medicine.
He emphasised the importance of child and adolescent mental health services and perinatal mental health services to the people of Qatar.