Ministry issues a caution against allowing minors to drive without a licence.

Doha, Qatar: The Ministry of Interior (MoI) warned parents against allowing unlicensed minors to drive vehicles.

Miteb Ali Al Qahtani, an official from the Awareness and Education Department at the Juvenile Police Department, expressed his concerns about parents allowing their underage and unlicensed children to drive their vehicles during an interview on Qatar Radio. Al Qahtani strongly condemned this practice, emphasizing that it is highly inappropriate and against the law.

Al Qahtani further elaborated on the potential risks associated with this behavior, particularly highlighting the lack of awareness among 13 and 14-year-old youngsters regarding traffic laws. He emphasized that their curiosity and eagerness to explore new things could lead to serious traffic accidents and pose a significant threat to public safety. Additionally, Al Qahtani emphasized that such incidents could result in the unnecessary expenditure of public funds, which could otherwise be utilized for more productive purposes.

Allowing underage and unlicensed children to operate vehicles not only violates legal regulations but also exposes them and others on the road to considerable danger. Al Qahtani's remarks underscore the importance of responsible parenting and adherence to traffic laws to ensure the well-being and safety of both children and the general public.

The MoI official reminded parents that they are liable for any monetary fines incurred as a result of their child's traffic offenses.

“You would have to be responsible financially to pay your child’s traffic violations, you subject your child to legal questioning, and you would also put other people’s lives in danger,” said Al Qahtani.

“This is wrong behavior which the law will hold you responsible for,” he said.

As seen on Peninsula Qatar  Image Credits Peninsula Qatar