The updates came into effect on Monday, the MoPH said in a tweet.
The updates show that the number of countries on the Green list has dropped from 21 to 11, a decrease of 10 compared to the previous list, while the Red list now has 167 countries compared to 153 earlier, an increase of 14.
The Yellow list now has 27 countries compared to the 33 on the previous list.
The full lists and other details of Qatar's travel and return policy can be found at https://covid19.moph.gov.qa/EN/travel-and-return-policy/Pages/default.aspx
The Green list countries are Australia, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
The Yellow list countries are Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, China, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Finland, Hong Kong, Italy, Luxembourg, Kuwait, Mozambique, Macau, Norway, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovenia, Singapore, South Korea, Uganda and the UAE.
The Red list countries are Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Barbados BRB North America
11 Bahamas BHS North America
12 Belarus BLR Europe
13 Belgium BEL Europe
14 Belize BLZ North America
15 Benin BEN Africa
16 Bermuda BMU North America
17 Bhutan BTN Asia
18 Bolivia BOL South America
19 Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba BES South America
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH Europe
21 Botswana BWA Africa
22 Brazil BRA South America
23 British Virgin Islands VGB North America
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
24 Burkina Faso BFA Africa
25 Burundi BDI Africa
26 Cambodia KHM Asia
27 Cameroon CMR Africa
28 Cape Verde CPV Africa
29 Cayman Islands CYM North America
30 Central African Republic CAF Africa
31 Chad TCD Africa
32 Colombia COL South America
33 Comoros COM Africa
34 Congo COG Africa
35 Costa Rica CRI North America
36 Cook Islands COK Oceania
37 Cuba CUB North America
38 Curacao CUW South America
39 Cyprus CYP Europe
40 Denmark DNK Europe
41 Djibouti DJI Africa
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
42 Dominica DMA North America
43 Dominican Republic DOM North America
44 Equatorial Guinea GNQ Africa
45 El Salvador SLV North America
S No Country / Territory Country Code Continent
46 Eritrea ERI Africa
47 Eswatini SWZ Africa
48 Estonia EST Europe
49 Egypt EGY Africa
50 Fiji FJI Oceania
51 France FRA Europe
52 French Polynesia PYF Oceania
53 Gabon GAB Africa
54 Gambia GMB Africa
55 Georgia GEO Eurasia
56 Ghana GHA Africa
57 Grenada GRD North America
58 Greece GRC Europe
59 Greenland GRL North America
60 Gibraltar GIB Europe
61 Guatemala GTM North America
62 Guernsey GGY Europe
63 Guinea GIN Africa
64 Guinea-Bissau GNB Africa
65 Guyana GUY South America
66 Haiti HTI North America
67 Honduras HND North America
68 Iceland
Besides these three lists, six nations - Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka - are in the 'Special Risk 6-Country Zone', according to information available on the MoPH website.
The rules for travellers coming from these countries are as follows: those vaccinated/recovering from Covid-19 in Qatar are subject to two-day hotel quarantine and are allowed to leave the hotel on the second day if the result of the PCR test is negative. The rest of the people are subject to hotel quarantine for a period of 10 days.