ICC to mark 75th anniversary of Indian independence with several events


To mark India’s 75th anniversary of independence, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) an apex body under Indian embassy will hold a number of events starting Monday.

Indian ambassador Dr Deepak Mittal will inaugurate the celebrations at ICC's Ashoka Hall at 7.30pm, a press conference was told Sunday. Many programmes are planned for the itinerary that runs until August 19 with cultural events at various locations in the country.

Associated organisations of ICC, Indian socio-cultural groups, Indian schools and several blue collar employees will showcase their talents during the celebration. A Qawwali will be performed on August 19 by a renowned team from India - Danish Hussain Badayuni Qawwali Group.

On a daily basis, ICC will issue flyers on the digital media, press updates, radio announcements and social media posts to reach out to the Indian families and community as well as other communities to participate in the events.

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