Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) innovative new Person Centered Care Ambassador Program – which enables members of the community to volunteer to support the delivery of patient care – was launched yesterday at Qatar’s first Patient Experience Forum.
Five of the first Ambassadors to take part in the volunteer programme were joined by Nasser Al Naimi, Deputy Chief of Quality, Center for Patient Experience and Staff Engagement and Director of the Hamad Healthcare Quality Institute and other VIPs, as part of the launch.
The Ambassador Program will provide people who want to volunteer their time to support patients in hospital with the opportunity to put on activities ranging from exercise and reading to patients through to spiritual and social support. The initial focus for the Ambassador Program will be on pediatric patients and the elderly.
Al Naimi said the volunteer programme was significant in the development of a patient-centred approach to care at HMC.
“HMC’s Person Centered Care Ambassador Program is a unique initiative and an opportunity to enhance the delivery of patient-centred care and improve patient experience - volunteers can help to ensure that the patient does come first,” said Al Naimi.
“Over the years, the Center for Patient Experience and Staff Engagement has been enhancing patient experience across HMC and ensuring that our communities receive the best possible care across Qatar. The Person Centered Care Ambassador Program is an essential part of this journey.” Ambassadors will undergo appropriate selection processes, management, and training courses, Al Naimi said adding that the Program was also designed to provide an important link to the community.
As part of the volunteer program, Ambassadors will commit to at least 2 to 4 hours per week – each shift is two hours long.
Maryam Nasser Abdulla Al Thani, one of the first ambassadors to join the program, said she wanted to help patients and use her spare time to help others in the community.
“I decided to volunteer for the PCC Ambassador Program because volunteering is a noble and humane attitude that is motivated by our religion,” she said. “I personally like volunteering as it will enrich my skills and enhance my self-confidence and meet my responsibilities towards my community. I am looking forward to drawing a smile on the faces of patients and helping to reduce their suffering; as well as giving a hand to whoever needs it,” said Ms. Al Thani.