Doha: Qatar Blood Service is in urgent need of blood and has requested donors from various groups to come ahead and donate.
“Qatar Blood Service is urgently in need of blood donors from O-, O+, A-, B- and AB-,’’ stated the Hamad Medical Corporation on its social media.
Blood donors can donate at blood donations center next to Hamad General Hospital (HGH) Sunday to Thursday from 7am to 9.30pm and Saturday from 8 am to 2pm.
Teams at Qatar Blood Services have stepped up precautionary measures to ensure that every blood donation is safe during the pandemic to include mandatory pre-screening before entering the blood donation sites, as well as regular cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces and equipment.
To be able to donate blood, a donor must be healthy, adult not less than 17 years of age, with no significant chronic illness or previous infections, with the bod yweight of not less than 50kg and hemoglobin level of not less than 13g for male and 12.5 for female.
On the day of the donation, the donor must be free of symptoms of fever and coughs or any other infection and he must have adequate hours of sleep.