After 19 days of thrilling action inside the eight stadiums, exciting sideline events also took place outside the venue, including the live mural paintings by Doha-based Filipino artist Michael Conjusta.
“Done with my 15th mural painting at World Cup stadiums!” wrote the 43-year-old artist on his Instagram when he published a picture of himself beside a Portugal-Switzerland mural painting at the Lusail Stadium on December 6, 2022.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
The self-taught Filipino artist was commissioned by the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy to create a mural painting every day - from the kickoff up to the final - outside a game venue as an added flavour to the tournament, and at the same time to be used as a backdrop by fans for selfies and souvenir photos.
“One month before the tournament, I received a call from the Supreme Committee saying I was one of the artists recommended by the Ministry of Culture & Sports to take part in the festivities,” Michael told The Peninsula.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
“I was really surprised because honestly, I was thinking of what I will do for the duration of the event, as I didn't get lucky to buy tickets online. I accepted the offer, then I received an email specifying the job description and other requirements," he added.
Michael said that he hesitated before he formally signed the offer as he was scared he will not be able to deliver. According to him, a live mural painting for four hours every day for the whole duration of the tournament is such a huge commitment.
Image: Michael Conjusta
"At first I had second thoughts because I was afraid to fail in front of thousands of people who will see my work at the venue, and more so to let down the organiser and the Ministry of Culture & Sports who put their trust in me," he said.
Michael, who has been living in Qatar for over 24 years, has participated in and won numerous awards and recognitions in various art competitions in the country, including those organised by the Ministry, giving him an idea of why he was chosen for the project.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
"But of course, who am I to say no? I am forever grateful for the many opportunities Qatar has given me, and it will be an honour to be part of this historical event. This task will not only be a way to give back to my second home but also will be a highlight of my career as an artist."
And so, with a huge plain canvas, acrylic paints, and art tools, Michael would set up his daily 'mural corner' near the stadium's gate for fans to see while entering the match venue.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
"I'm using acrylic paints. I thought of using spray paints to make my work faster, but I don't want the quality to suffer. I aim for polished curves and lines and detailed drawings. Also, due to the windy condition, spray paint is not recommended,” he told The Peninsula.
The canvas, which is two metres in height and four metres in width, is painted with bubbly and colourful drawings, with the theme based on the two football teams facing off on a specific day. Michael's first task was a mural painting for Qatar versus Ecuador match on November 20 at the Al Bayt Stadium.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
When asked about the challenges he encountered while painting the mural, he said: "The only challenge is to finish the painting in a limited time. I have to work fast because I only have four hours in total to finish the mural. The challenge is that even if the mural is not yet finished, many fans are already taking selfies and group photos so I had to stop."
Despite the challenge, Michael said that he's happy and overwhelmed with the praises he has received so far. According to him, he made many friends and followers who would share his mural paintings on their social media platforms.
Image: Instagram / Michael Conjusta
"It's really flattering. Whenever I would hear "very good" while I'm painting makes me very happy. The positive feedback about my work from fans all over the world makes my heart full. Even if they would disturb me for a selfie or group photo with them, it makes me feel glad knowing that I'm making them happy, too."
Up until now, Michael would receive messages from fans outside Qatar inquiring about his art. The multi-talented artist is also excellent in interior design, face and body painting, and make-up transformation, among others.
As of this writing, Michael has already made a total of 19 mural paintings, including the two murals he created last week for the Corniche activation, after the conclusion of the Round-of-16 matches.
Image credit: Michael Conjusta
Michael said he hopes that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will open doors for him to showcase his talents worldwide, and to represent Qatar and the Philippines in the global art scene.
"I hope I’m not too old to get recognised worldwide," he said. I hope I'm not too old to make my countrymen proud," Michael added as he laughed.
And I told him: “Why not? Just like in football, there is no age limit for players to take the pitch… it's all about performance! And with your talent and humility combined, there’s no doubt you will go global.”
Michael smiled and replied: “Inshallah, inshallah. Shukran.”