'Enough vacant seats at government schools'

Four hotlines have been dedicated to answer parents' queries round-the-clock, regarding the registration and transfer of their children at government schools, in addition to the other issues related to student guidance and affairs, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported.

A number of managers of government schools said there are enough vacant seats at various stages as the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) has inaugurated five new schools this year.

Any vacancies in teaching or administrative jobs will be filled by the MoEHE within one week. The preventive and precautionary measures against Covid-19 are being implemented strictly, especially during break and activities sessions.

Yousef al-Abdulla, a secondary school manager, said the process of registering and transferring students are continuing through the MoEHE website until the end of September. Transfer and registration have to be approved by the MoEHE and implemented by the schools.

Nayif al-Yafei, a primary school manager, said there are 75 vacant seats in various classes in his school with 668 students.

Hassan al-Abdulla, manager of a preparatory school opened this year, said the capacity is 786 students including 36 with special needs. "My school has space more transferred and newly registered students," he added.



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