Efforts continue to make distance learning system a success

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education continues its efforts related to the distance learning system to which it has been allocated 5 education centres to teach via electronic platforms.

All sectors of the Ministry have concerted efforts as mentors and teachers prepare video lessons and digital educational materials on a daily basis, the Ministry said, while adding that it has monitored the interaction and response of parents with the distance learning system since the early hours of its launch on Sunday.

The Ministry said that mentors and teachers work on a daily basis to prepare educational content for all grades from the first to twelfth grades, by photographing and producing videos of daily lessons that are available via electronic links in the digital platforms launched by the Ministry. It added that students of early education until the third grade use Microsoft Teams platform, while the rest of the grades use the Learning Management System (LMS) platform, pointing out that the focus is on providing the student with special concepts and values in these daily lessons.

The Education Ministry stated that it provided all the inputs and technical and technological aids needed to start distance learning, including selecting an elite group of well-trained, competent and experienced teachers to undertake this task so that students can continue their education and complete their academic year. Regarding the kindergarten stage, it noted that it is working on the participation and interaction of parents with it as short video lessons are prepared to explain the worksheets in order for the parents to help their children in solving them, in addition to offering enrichment activities and various links, and presentations prepared by kindergarten teachers.

It pointed out that educational research confirmed that the academic level of the child is affected negatively if learning is interrupted for a long time. That is why it is very important for the educational process to continue using modern technical means, and through short video materials not exceeding ten minutes, which the student should completes by doing exercises in the book or as determined by the teacher in the video. 

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education stressed the importance of the partnership between parents and schools in this regard, and provided them with a number of useful advice on the practice of distance learning.

The Ministry has also prepared detailed files and videos explaining how to log in to the distance learning platforms for students and their parents.

With regard to distance learning for people with disabilities, the Ministry provided educational materials that meet the needs of this group of students according to the level and type of disability. The Ministry also directed specialized schools to select the best teachers and instructed them to provide video lessons and workshops and upload them on the Learning Management System at the school site, and send text messages to parents to notify them of the start of broadcasting the lessons.

The Ministry will provide technical support to implement distance learning, whether for schools or parents in the event of any obstacles or challenges in this system.

As seen on Peninsula Qatar  Image Credits Peninsula Qatar