The minimum temperature in Qatar Tuesday was in the range of 8C (Abu Samra) to 15C (Wakra), and the maximum in the 21C (Dukhan) to 25C (Abu Samra) range. Wednesday's minimum forecast is in the 8C (Abu Samra) to 16C (Doha) range, and maximum in the 22C (Ruwais) to 27C (Abu Samra).
The Met office has warned of poor visibility at places at first, both inshore and offshore. The inshore weather is expected to be misty to foggy at places at first, moderate temperature with scattered clouds at times.
Offshore weather is forecast to be misty to foggy at places at first, becoming hazy at times. Wind inshore is variable, less than 5knots (kt) at first and later becomes northwesterly to northeasterly (5-10kt). Wind offshore will be mainly northwesterly 4-14kt. Visibility is 4-8km/2km or less at places at first. Sea state inshore is 1-2ft and offshore 1-4ft.