Doha Peace Agreement: New success for Qatar in international mediation, conflict resolution

Doha's name has become a prominent trademark in regional agreements, international mediation, and conflict resolution, whether by announcing agreements to establish a national dialogue between the political parties, as in Lebanon, the Darfur region of Sudan and most recently in Chad, or between international parties, as in the intra-Afghan and US-Taliban talks.

on Monday, the Chadian parties signed the Doha Peace Agreement and the Participation of Politico-Military Movements in the Chadian National, Inclusive, and Sovereign Dialogue, under the auspices of Qatar.

The agreement came as a culmination of the negotiations hosted during the past five months with regional and international participation and paves the way for the start of the national dialogue in the Chadian capital, N'Djamena, which aims to achieve comprehensive national reconciliation.

Qatar did not hesitate to accept mediation and host negotiations between the Chadian parties, as it believes that the true reconciliation of the Chadian people guarantees the sustainability of peace and stability and the building of a state of law and development in Chad.

The agreement constitutes a first step on the road to Chadian reconciliation and includes measures to restore confidence, peace, national harmony, and security.

This includes a complete and final cessation of hostilities, the transitional government's commitment not to carry out any military or police operation by the defense and security forces against the politico-military movements that signed the agreement, wherever they are in the countries neighboring Chad, the commitment of armed political movements not to carry out any infiltration, armed action or attack of any kind against the transitional government and the commitment of all parties not to carry out any hostile, retaliatory or harassing act based on ethnicity, political affiliation, or any other basis.


Last March, Qatar hosted the Chadian peace negotiations with the participation of representatives of the transitional government and most of the politico-military movements in Chad, based on its active regional and international role in providing the basic ground for mediation and preventing the outbreak and exacerbation of conflicts.

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani expressed, during his meeting with President of the Transitional Military Council of Chad Lt. Gen. Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno and his accompanying delegation on Saturday, Qatar's support for comprehensive national reconciliation in Chad for the Chadian people to enjoy peace, security, stability, and development.

His Highness affirmed that the negotiations between the government of Chad and a number of Politico-Military Movements represent an important first step to achieving reconciliation, wishing him success in the comprehensive national dialogue that will be held on Aug 20 in N'Djamena.

Qatar has worked, as a facilitator and host, to make the Chadian negotiations a success, and has done everything possible to make it successful that aligns with the framework of Doha's policy that believes in dialogue, good offices, and diplomacy as a strategic option, and the need to contribute to establishing international and regional peace and security, and based on Doha's keenness to achieve peace and stability in Chad and exerting its good offices to form a comprehensive dialogue that would lead the country to safety.

Qatar's diplomatic efforts continued to advance the Chadian negotiations and the signing of an agreement between representatives of the Transitional Military Council and Politico-Military Movements.

Qatar has achieved great results in resolving disputes and is working on the Chad file successfully, which has earned it the confidence of the international community.

It became a key player in the international arena in mediation efforts and an acceptable regional and international mediator known for its independence and impartiality in accordance with international law.

Doha's mediation is characterised by its inclusion of the various parties and ensuring the representation of all without prejudice to one party over the other, or imposing political or ideological dictates, and providing development support for the success of peace endeavours and defusing crises and conflicts without neglecting the importance of having a real will on the part of the various parties to reach the desired peace.

Qatari diplomacy enhances its successes at all levels, which is done through the great roles it plays in maintaining international peace and security, and its outstanding contributions to facing the major challenges facing the world, through multilateral cooperation with its international and regional partners.

The country has made great achievements in the field of conflict mediation, based on a track record of successes and is currently leading the mediation efforts in the Chadian peace negotiations and witnessing progress on the path to establishing peace and ending the conflict in Chad.

The continued success of Qatari mediation confirms, beyond any doubt, that when Doha is invited to solve problems, it only takes into account the interests of the people and paves the way for individuals to live humanely.

The appreciation for Doha's mediation efforts is not new.

Over the past years, Qatari diplomacy has played the most prominent role in calming and defusing tensions in many regions of the world, most notably hosting the intra-Afghan dialogue, and then the US-Taliban talks, which led to the signing of a peace agreement between the two parties, paving way for the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Also, Qatars evacuation of foreign nationals from Kabul, and in parallel with all its efforts to restore stability in Afghanistan to ensure that the Afghan people live a safe life, after many decades during which only the sounds of guns have been heard.

The praises Qatar reaps for the mediator's role in many global crises, is the result of the country's consistent approach over the past years, reinforced by the vision of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, that Doha would be a carrier of the "torch of peace" in various parts of the world, especially in its regional environment.

Qatar's diplomatic efforts consolidate two things.

The first is that Doha, under the wise leadership, is the center of dialogue and mediation in the region, in line with a consistent strategy that the country has been following for years, that the negotiating table is capable of resolving all crises.

This was confirmed by His Highness the Amir on many occasions through his important speeches.

The second matter is the confidence of the parties, regardless of their differences, in the Qatari mediator, as an honest mediator that stands at the same distance from all parties.

Since the country gained its independence on Sept 3, 1971, in the early '70s of the previous millennium, Qatar faced various challenges, and thanks to the wisdom of its leadership, its insightful vision, and its commitment to its values and principles, it adopted a promising strategy and succeeded in building a modern country capable of harmonising between national constants and international developments in various fields.

The country's policies were characterised by respect for international law and its obligations under the UN Charter, the leadership, in accordance with this vision, succeeded in placing the country in a distinguished position among the countries of the world.

It was keen to establish co-operative relations based on mutual respect, and non-interference in the internal affairs of the majority of countries that respect international law.

The country has been keen to follow an approach based on the UN Charter to deal with external crises, and to resort to the mechanisms provided by the UN Charter to deal with crises, and the sound vision of the country's leadership.Today, Qatar has a rich and exemplary record in this regard.

Therefore, the positions of Qatar at the diplomatic level have been respected and appreciated by all countries of the world, the United Nations, international human rights organisations and others, and Qatar has become one of the countries that can be relied upon to achieve peace, security, development and human rights.

International reports always affirm Qatar's position and the successes achieved by the country's leadership in the international arena, which at the same time confirms the depth of its vision that the county's position does not depend on its size or the number of its population, but rather on its ability to accommodate international developments in various fields, its international relations and its commitment with international conventions and agreements.

Today, Qatar is proud of the high level of Qatari diplomacy which is in line with the progress the country has witnessed in all fields.

Qatari diplomacy succeeded in preserving the interests of the state, and represented them in the best way on the international scene, as it demonstrated during the past period its ability to thwart the malicious campaigns targeting the march of progress and prosperity, under the leadership of His Highness the Amir from changing a lot of positions through dialogue and diplomacy.

In light of the solid bilateral diplomatic relations of Qatar with the vast majority of countries, its partnerships with influential powers in the world, and its distinguished role in the United Nations and international organisations, Qatari diplomacy is working to solve the problems experienced by the region and the crises it faces, in addition to common international challenges which the Qatari diplomacy is working to solve and mitigate by the available means and from the standpoint of international co-operation, through the regional and international organisations to which Qatar belongs.

Qatar seeks to ensure that peace, particularly in the region, prevails by addressing the root causes of instability and is constantly contributing constructively to peaceful solutions to existing disputes and disagreements where possible.

Qatari mediation efforts have become known to all, as they have proven successful in reaching a settlement of many disputes, which threaten security, stability and peace in many cases.

The strength of diplomacy and dialogue is evident through Qatar's role as an international player in resolving conflicts in the region and the world, and since 2008 Qatar has been able to mediate on more than 10 major regional and international issues, with its track record of successes in the field of mediation, including Qatar's success in reaching the Doha Peace Agreement between the various Lebanese factions in 2008, ending an 18-month political crisis.

In 2009, Qatar mediated between Sudan and Chad, and the Doha Agreement was signed, and then Qatar continued its efforts and played a leading role in efforts to bring peace to Sudan, as it hosted peace talks in Doha during the period from 2013 to 2018.

Qatar's mediation culminated in the signing of a 2010 Eritrea-Djibouti agreement to settle the border dispute, which ended the armed conflict between the two parties.

In 2011, Qatar mediated between Sudan and Eritrea.

In addition, Qatar mediated between Fatah and Hamas, and the Doha Peace Agreement was signed in 2012.

In 2015, Qatari mediation efforts continued, as it mediated between the Libyan Toubou and Tuareg tribes, and a Doha Peace Agreement was signed.

In early 2021, the world witnessed the signing of a historic agreement between the United States and Taliban to bring peace in Afghanistan and end a 20-year long war between both sides.

At the same year, Qatar hosted direct talks between the Afghan government and Taliban.

Qatar has exerted vigorous efforts to facilitate achieving the process of peace in Afghanistan, which culminated in a US-Taliban peace accord in February, 2021.

Under the agreement, a prisoner swap between the Afghan government and Taliban Movement was made, paving the way for the launch of the Afghan peace talks that started in Doha in September 2021 and resumed in February 2022.

In 2021, Qatar's successful mediation efforts managed to restore diplomatic ties between Somalia and Kenya in a bid to reach international peace and stability.

Qatar has also made mediation efforts in Somalia following political disputes over the country's general elections, based on its belief that dialogue is the only track to settle disputes among Somali sides and reach a comprehensive consensus.

In this regard, His Highness the Amir sent a message to Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, with Qatar's appreciated endeavors culminating in forging an accord between the federal government and leaders of federal states to hold elections under the Sept 17 Agreement.

Regarding Qatar's recent endeavours to settle disputes between Somalia and Kenya, His Highness the Amir sent messages to Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and Somali President of Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, which resulted in the two sides jointly declaring the resumption of diplomatic relations.

Qatar also launched unprecedented efforts as part of its long and rich history to back pan-Arab efforts regarding the Arab issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause and the achievement of constancy in Syria, Libya and the region.

Qatar also voiced concerns regarding the threats to the Arab world, making use of all available legitimate tools to confront them.

Despite the mounting challenges facing the Arab region, the Palestinian cause has always been at the top of chronic crises in which the international community failed to achieve any progress to push peace process between Palestinians and Israelis forward and reach a two-state solution.

Qatar's firm position is the call for just and ever-lasting comprehensive settlements for the Middle East issue based on the international legitimacy, UN resolutions and the Arab Initiative.

Qatar has relentlessly supported the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people's efforts to obtain their legitimate rights according to a clear political plan and within a definite timetable, which results in the two-state solution and achieve peace and stability in the region.

Qatar has always supported the brotherly Syrian people, stressing the uselessness of the military option and that the way-out of the current crisis requires a political process leading to a political transition based on the Geneva 1 Declaration and the full implementation of the UN Security Council 2254 Resolution, which guarantees the national and regional unity of Syria and its sovereignty and independence as well as fulfilling the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis and emanating large-scale humanitarian crisis, Qatar carried out its duties in this regard being one of the biggest donors of humanitarian aids for the Syrian displaced and refugees.

In a bid to restore stability and attain a comprehensive national consensus in the brotherly Libya, Qatar has always welcomed the Sukhairat Political Accord, and the recent Libyan political dialogue forum that was held 2021 in Tunisia, and emanated in the election of interim executive authority representatives.

Qatar has also reiterated support for the national unity government to restore peace and security in Libya and backed the UN efforts to support constancy in Libya.

Qatar has a comprehensive vision of peace, which is why its peace initiatives include all tracks that would achieve peace under the provisions of the UN Charter.

Based on this view, Qatar gave great attention to the involvement in the international efforts to support mediation and preventive diplomacy that serve as a mainstay in the UN agenda, as Qatar-led mediations have played great roles in reaching peaceful settlements to many disputes in tandem with its big contributions for development, particularly offering education in the conflict areas as a main tool to attain peace.

Qatar also has an active and responsible role in the multilateral world agenda to bring and promote peace and security through the implementation of political, economic and cultural initiatives as well as developmental and humanitarian aids in collaboration with partners in the international community.

"It is no secret that the negotiations faced many challenges which were addressed through your estimated efforts, and in implementation of the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Qatar has spared no effort to overcome obstacles in cooperation with you. In this context, we appreciate the efforts of the member states of the Follow-up Committee that contributed to the success of these negotiations," he said.

The minister expressed certainty that the outcome of the negotiations that took place in Doha and the signing of the Doha Peace Agreement and the participation in the national dialogue by most of the Chadian parties will constitute an important and delicate stage for the Chadian people during the national dialogue to find solutions to all controversial issues, achieve national reconciliation and meet the aspirations of the Chadian people.

"From this standpoint, those who are characterised by wisdom and insight when facing the moments of self-determination in their lives and the lives of their people, must bear the responsibility, make decisive decisions commensurate with the challenges of the situation, rise above all forms of divisions, meet the aspirations of their peoples for unity and stop their sufferings through agreement," he underlined.

HE Sheikh Mohamed said all Chadian parties must transcend the past and its pains, focus on the future and its hopes and not to forget the lessons learnt from the past, adding that this requires everyone to embark on the future with an indomitable spirit and firm belief in the right of the people of the Republic of Chad to security, stability and unity and achieving the desired development.

He expressed Qatar's thanks and appreciation to the transitional government and the politico- military movements that signed this agreement, and its hope that other groups will join the march of reconciliation and peace, with a view to achieving the aspirations and dreams of the Chadian people.

HE Sheikh Mohamed said Qatar strongly looks forward that the initial peace agreement "we are celebrating today will be an important turning point towards stability and prosperity for the Chadian people and the achievement of their goals in security, development and prosperity".

He emphasised that everyone is aware of the magnitude of the challenges to achieving the desired peace in Chad through the negotiations and national dialogue to be held in N 'Djamena, and therefore, he called on the international community to intensify regional and international efforts to avail itself of this historic opportunity to make the national dialogue a success with a view to achieving the desired peace for the Chadian people.

"In this context, I have no doubt that all Chadian parties appreciate the responsibility entrusted to them and that everyone with God's willing and success - will do their utmost to realise the aspirations of the Chadian people that peace will be an alternative to a war that has lasted for many years, and that security and stability will prevail throughout Chad."

HE Sheikh Mohamed affirmed that Qatar will spare no effort in cooperating with all Chadian parties and international community, to achieve the desired goals of these negotiations and national dialogue and the aspirations of the Chadian people for security, stability, peace and development.

"Out of Qatar's firm belief that the sustainability of peace is a shared responsibility of the international family, we reiterate that Qatar will spare no effort to continue its active engagement with all international and regional efforts in this regard."

He called on countries that are still experiencing conflicts which threaten their security and stability, as well as international peace and security, to open up to initiatives aimed at laying the foundations for peace through constructive dialogue that achieves peoples' aspirations for security, stability and decent livelihoods. "We are badly in need of that peace in many parts of the world."

In a recorded speech during the signing ceremony, Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres thanked Qatar for hosting the negotiations between the Chadian parties, which led to the signing of the Doha Peace Agreement.

Guterres said that this agreement is historic and will enable - with adherence to it - to achieve a lasting peace in Chad, calling on the international community to provide the necessary assistance to Chad in this critical period.

For his part, African Union Commission's Chairperson Moussa Faki expressed his congratulations to His Highness the Amir for the efforts of Qatar, which resulted in the signing of the Doha Peace Agreement.

Qatar's auspices of the negotiations deserves to be commended, Moussa Faki said, adding that the history of Doha, the wonderful and pioneering city in peacemaking, occupies a great position.

Faki reviewed Qatar's role and efforts in the field of international mediation, especially between the Afghan parties, and in Darfur in Sudan.

The agreement between the Chadian parties was reached after five months of negotiations, he said. "Congratulations to Doha, the city of peace," Faki added.

The agreement constitutes a first step towards Chadian reconciliation, and includes measures to restore confidence, peace, national harmony and security. These measures include the complete and final cessation of hostilities, transitional government's commitment not to carry out any military or police operation by the defence and security forces against the politico-military movements that signed the agreement, wherever they are in the countries neighbouring Chad, the commitment of armed political movements not to carry out any infiltration, armed action or attack of any kind against the transitional government and the commitment of all parties not to carry out any hostile, retaliatory or harassing act on the basis of ethnicity, political affiliation, or any other basis.

The agreement includes other measures for disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration, confidence-building and security arrangements and inclusive national dialogue in N'Djamena, as well as mechanisms for following-up and implementing this agreement.

Qatar hosted the Chadian peace negotiations last March with the participation of representatives of the transitional government and most of the politico-military movements in Chad, based on its active regional and international role in providing the basic ground for mediation and preventing the outbreak and exacerbation of conflicts.

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