An Indian resident who underwent rapid antigen test on Monday morning and tested positive says that his Ehteraz status still remains green. “I called the 16000 hotline and they said it will turn red soon. When contacted again, they told me to restart my phone and check. Even by 6pm today (Tuesday) my Ehteraz remains green though I frequently restart and the check the app,” he told Gulf Times.
“I have informed my employer that I am Covid-positive and I have to send the red status of Ehteraz to my office. Both myself and my wife are covid- positive and if we need any medical assistance, we need to contact Covid-19 helpline,” he added.
Ministry of Public Health had said that the results of the rapid antigen tests conducted in private medical facilities will be reflected on the Ehteraz application from January 10.
An official of a private healthcare facility confirmed that they are getting calls from people who were tested with rapid antigen test at the centre as their results are not shown on the app.
“ We have got calls from several people who tested at our centre and they say that their Ehteraz staus still remains green though they tested Covid-positive. Some of them said that it has been over 24 hours since their testing. We have been entering all the records instantly but still many face such delay,” said the official.
He also added that some people who have taken antigen test for post travel requirements as they have to show Covid-negative certificate within 36 hours of entry to the country. Some of them face the same difficulty as their Ehteraz status remains yellow and they cannot go out or join work.