Companies strive to complete infrastructure projects in time

With the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 fast approaching, companies have intensified efforts to complete infrastructure projects in various residential areas, local Arabic daily Arrayah has reported.

The works are being carried out at an "accelerated pace" to meet the deadlines set by the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) to have streets and public places in their best shape to receive football fans during the World Cup.


Companies have intensified working hours under the shift system and work during the night to benefit from the relatively better weather conditions during that time, the report states.

Talking to *Arrayah, some members of the Central Municipal Council (CMC) said that the accelerated pace of work is natural as the World Cup is just months away.

They noted that such urgency is needed now to complete the projects before the start of the mega event, especially because the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic affected work schedules.

Stressing the importance of people being aware of the works being carried out in different areas, they said that these projects are aimed at serving the public and that they will be the beneficiaries.


“The companies involved are fully aware of the importance of completing the works and overcoming any obstacles or challenges to deliver the projects to Ashghal on time,” CMC member Saleh Jaber al-Nabit said.

“The completion of projects will benefit the residents of those areas, especially infrastructure projects that include sewage, sidewalks and landscaping, as well as paving of streets and replacing lights,” he added.

“We can’t deny that there are some projects whose delivery has been delayed, but there were reasons beyond their control,” said CMC member Jaber al-Suwaidi. “Some companies, during the Covid-19 pandemic, were affected by staff shortage as 1,000-2,000 workers were quarantined at the same time in some cases.”


“This reflected on the timebound completion of many projects,” he added. “The companies are now taking advantage of the intensification of work during the night hours to complete the projects during the summer vacation and complete them before the World Cup.”

CMC member Nayef al-Ahbabi said that housing project works in his constituency are being carried out as per the schedule, with the companies concerned having pledged to complete them as soon as possible.

As seen on GulfTimes  Image Credits GulfTimes