Doha: The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has fully opened Al Furousiya Street to traffic. This is expected to improve traffic condition in the area as well as help fans commute smoothly to Khalifa International Stadium, one of the stadiums that will host the FIFA Club World Cup.
Al Furousiya Street project increased the number of lanes on the 7.8 kilometers of the street starting from Al Manaseer Intersection towards Al Furousiya Intersection. Further to upgrading the street and increasing its vehicular capacity, works included construction of service roads on both sides of the street and upgrading four signalised intersections by expanding Al Manaseer Intersection, introducing a new signalized intersection at Umm Al Jamajim Street as well as converting Al Furousiya and Muaither Roundabouts to signalized intersections in order to alleviate the traffic congestion at two of the most crowded roundabouts in the area especially during peak hours.
Works also included the construction of 570 parking bays in addition to the upgrading of the lighting system and the installation of 233 lighting poles. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, 15.7 km of the pedestrian path and 5.6 km of cycle paths were also constructed. Improvement works also included pavement, interlock and road marking works as well as the development of an irrigation system and landscaping work along the street covering over 70,000 m2 with 1000 trees.
Infrastructure works within the project comprised developing the main drainage networks and connecting homes to this network, constructing permanent stormwater, groundwater and wastewater treatment networks in addition to protecting the underground telecommunications, potable water and electricity utility lines.