Ganesh Kelagina Beedu Shenoy, who hails from Mangalore, India, and has been a Qatar resident since 2007, set a world record through the Recordsetter for “Most newspaper publishers published an article by a single author on the same day." Ganesh Shenoy wrote an article by the name “Kinetic Pointillism, an Emerging Art Movement," which was published by 80 international news media on December 2, 2023. The Recordsetter was founded by Dan Rollman, an Emmy Award-winning creative director, Tedx speaker, and entrepreneur, and Corey Henderson, an entrepreneur. Recordsetter.com is a web-based open-access platform on which anyone can set their world record by uploading the video of the attempt as evidence. The website and the process are very transparent, and anyone can examine and challenge the record holders openly.
This is the third-world record set by Ganesh Shenoy. Earlier, he had set two world records in addition to one national record and one Asia record for his miniature paintings, which were confirmed by the prestigious India Book of Records, the Asia Book of Records, the Golden Book of Records, and World Record Certification Limited, UK.
Kinetic pointillism is an art movement founded by Robert Ottesen, a celebrated artist. Though its founder intended the movement for adult artists, it eventually became a passion for adolescents. According to Robert Ottesen, adults have been conditioned, over many years, to paint in certain ways. Because their adult minds were less neuroplastic, they were not able to adapt to a new style. Whereas the minds of children are free from conditioning, they are receptive to new ideas and open to change. When adults create artwork for fame and popularity, children create it for self-satisfaction. Most adult artists create artwork for pecuniary gain, whereas children naturally create artwork for joy and playfulness. The Kinetic Pointillism art movement has become so popular that it has already been listed among the great art movements of the world and has also become a part of fine art history.